In the spirit of Memorial Day, we decided to visit the Roaring Camp at Felton as they were going to host the Civil War enactment. The act was put up on a great open field. The actors dressed up in soldier uniforms represented the Union soldiers and the Confederate soldiers. Bayonets, swords, cannons or volleys and gun powder was used for the shootings. The battle was enacted for about 45 minutes. As the battle proceeded, the Union soldiers slowly advanced in to the Confederate territory and finally declared victory.
The Union Soldiers (Northern states)

The Confederate Soldiers (Southern states)

The enactment demonstrated how the Napoleonic tactics were used during the war. It includes formation of line of battle by the soldiers to attack the enemy. These tactics were not very effective as the artillery was short ranged and would often miss the enemy. As the artillery became advanced, the trench war tactics were adopted during some of the wars.
Celeberating victory

The uniform worn by the Union soldiers was navy blue, however there were couple of soldiers in Zouave uniform. These were bright red colored uniform worn by Native North African soldiers who fought for French. As the Zouave uniforms has to be specially made, they costed more and only few soldiers had the previlege to wear it.
At the end of the act there was a Q&A session. Photocopied money from the civil war period was distributed.
And lastly the best part......President during the civil war, Mr. Abraham Lincoln!
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