Our memories were revived when I got some of his books for my little one. One of them, which we never read before, was 'Hello, Red Fox'. In a very creative and scientific way Eric Carle introduces the complementary colors and afterimage effect. Both my kids found this book amazing and we had to google to get more information. This is what we found:
Complementary colors:
There are 3 primary colors Red, Blue and Yellow. The complementary color of one of the primary color is the secondary color formed by mixing the other two primary colors. Ex: Blue and Yellow makes green which is the complementary color of Red and so on...
Afterimage Effect:
If you stare at an image of one color for 30 secs to 1 min and then look at a white surface you see the image in a complementary color. This is optical illusion and you can read more about it on wikipedia.
For added fun with complementary colors, we downloaded the color mixing triangle worksheet and colored it.
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