When I was a student in school and college in India, I used "fountain pens" for writing as it made handwriting look neat. I rarely used ball point back then. Little did I know then that my fountain pen had a fancy name, "Calligraphy pen"!. This pen has a pointed thin metal at one end called the "nib" and ink supply in the other half.
My 4th grader recently started reading the Newbery medal book, "The View from Saturday" by E.L.Konigsburg for her book report. A character from the book, Noah Gershom, learns Calligraphy and teaches the art to his friends too.
A few days ago while casually strolling in the Michael's store, I came across the Calligraphy pen and I had to buy it! I showed "A" how to use it and instantly she started working with it. It takes a little practice to get used to this pen as it is not as versatile as the ball point pen. It can be used when writing speed is not important. This is "A"'s first Calligraphy!
Fantastic Post! Lot of information is helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating.calligraphy pen for writing