We have been to Chabot Space and Science Center many times and each time we

visited, it was a learning experience for the kids.
Last weekend, the Climate Scout Investigator Open Lab theme was
Wind Energy. Materials were provided to design and make wind

turbine. These turbines were then put to test to see how much electricity they generate. The test data was recorded: number of blades, length of blades,weight of the turbine and the voltage generated. This was a very good opportunity for the kids to use the Scientific Method approach of experimentation, "Change only one variable at a time and see the effect".
We got to do multiple iterations to improvise our design. I also got a chance to talk to my kids about how much hard work and persistence needs to be put in to make things better.

Next there were few high school kids demonstrating science principles, how vacuum affects a balloon filled with small amount of air, how does it affect the water, what is a black hole. We also got to hold a rock which was a part of a meteorite. It was made of mostly iron and nickel and due to the presence of iron the small piece of rock was very heavy.
There were telescopes set up to view the moon, the sun and its prominences and Jupiter. There was a sun spotter which filtered the light energy, so the sunspots could be seen. Sunspots are "cooler"(@ 4000 deg F) areas on sun.

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